Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Brainwave. Issue16. Gassing Around

The travel season has finally come to a halt with the Typoday conference at Bombay. The past month has provided me with inspiration in terms of drawing, comic art and typography. Now, all I have to is to put it in my work. So before the new changes show up in my work, I think it's time to look back at the work done before from the latest issue of Brainwave. The March issue is about Gasses. This omnipresent word that floats around everywhere has been similarly treated in the magazine. We looked at Gases in the planets, bellies, balloons, wars and in many more areas where it keeps popping. Here's my share of gassing around in the new issue. 

Splash page for the cover story
Spot Illustration for an article on Captcha.
Spot illustration for an article on Auto rickshaw.

Page design and illustration for an article on farts and burps.

Infographic on Gaseous Giants.
Comic strip done on the invention of ball pens. The Hindu - Young World.

I have tried to maintain a variety of illustration styles in the past issues of Brainwave but I think the next one will have a more uniform style of artworks. And sorry kids if it looks very Robert Crumbish in nature.