Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Brainwave. Issue 12. Tummy Talk.

This update on the last issue of Brainwave is coming late because of the lack of access of a camera for documentation. But, better late than never. This issue is all about keeping your tummy happy and taking care of its grumbling issues. This issue has a mix of some quick sketchy work and a few detailed one that took me a day or two. One thing that I have observed after working with many styles for illustration is that an artwork that's created with a quick hand is the very native and raw form of how you like to draw (style). One of the comics I did for the 'nuts and dolts' section has that raw form. Anyway, here are the artworks for this issue -

This cover artwork is inspired from 'The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm'. The idea is to just sit and relax while the chainsaw helps you to a fresh squeezed orange juice.

The last illustration is for our web special article about GM foods. Read the article here -

I had taken a photograph of my work desk last month but never got the time to share it. So I just added it along with this post. The good thing right now is that I finally managed to finish the pending projects which were going on the sidelines of Brainwave. Now I have some time to put my other plans in action. But, the rest can wait as the Brainwave new volume's work is in a scattered stage. I will be posting some newly collected inspirations soon.  

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Holy Cow

During one of the Friday lunch in September, I had seen a scratched drawing of a Cow on the gate of a parked mini truck. I found the drawing pretty interesting just like the cave drawings. I took a photo of it with my 2 megapixel Nokia phone. Last month, I found the same truck with a new illustration of the cow. This time drawn in detail as seen in Indian religious books.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Zoo muse

I went home after 6 months for Diwali break and again loaded with work to finish. Like last visit, I woke up early for a morning walk in the zoo with my mother. Now that the winters are approaching close and the trees are laden thick with green, the walk helped a lot in getting through the morning lazy bone. During one of the walks, I came across a children's park with illustrations cut-outs on its fence and the regular trashcan disguised as animals. Some of them were distorted, broken and left out sample of a wacky craftsman. I couldn't carry my camera this time because of work sheets and stationery occupying most of the luggage space but my mother's digital camera rescued me in documenting the musing from the zoo.